Monday, October 15, 2012

Denahortso District Meeting

 These are the ruins that you can see from an overlook in Navajo National Monument.  These dwellings are in the bottom of an alcove.  Part of the tour is an indication of the various root they would use for medicinal purposes.  This particular bush is called Mormon Tea??
Mormon Tea Bush
 This is a foot print of a dinosaur that is just outside of Denehotso.  There are several of the prints in this area.  They have marked them so it is easier to identify.  Some people have tried to remove the prints with a small jackhammer and have damaged the area.
Dinosaur foot prints

Garnet Stones
 The activity that we had as part of our District Meeting was to go Garnet hunting.  You can see the Garnets on the head of the Flashlight.  There is an area outside of Denehotso where you can pick these stones off the ground. Many are very small.  If you can find an ant hill it is generally loaded with small Garnets that the ants have brought to the surface.  One of the couples in our group that lives in the area has some pretty large stones.  While we were in he area there were several Native Americans that were searching for the stones.  You have to have the sunlight to your back and the stones glisten in the sun.  Some of the stones are a red color, some are amber in color.
Garnet Stones

This is the inside of the chapel at Denahotso.  The buildings are generally Parallel and you have a chapel in one end and classrooms at the other end.  You can see them for miles.  They all have a small white steeple.

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